This is a project for a Contemporary Drama Class at Boston University School of Theatre. The assignment is to pick a contemporary play and provide dramaturgical research about the work and the playwright. The information found on this blog is not related to the views of the playwright.

I have chosen That Pretty Pretty; or, The Rape Play by Sheila Callaghan.

The pages listed on the menu bar above will guide you through the webpage.

Through the tabs above you will find:

Evocative Images: Images/videos I found to be evocative/provocative images that represent the world of the play as I see it. Click on the images to find the sources.

Production History: A production history of the show, as well as information in its development.

Research Articles: Articles/videos/songs I found while doing my research, and their sources. Click on the links to find the articles and their sources.

Sheila Callaghan Biography: A short biographical essay on the playwright, Sheila Callaghan.

World of the Play: A short essay on the world of the play.